Hospice Care – Quito

thanks to Mary Lawrence Grover for this information

This is FYI information to be stored away for future reference. Today three of us went to the Hospice San Camilo (Hospice Center) in Quito to see their facility, to ask questions and to get their advice. MAGNIFICENT is not a good enough word to describe what they offer. Their center is equal to any hospice center in the US. They have inpatient hospice care and they also make home visits……including all the way to Cotacachi. The most import thing is that they have a complete arsenal of pain medications and other medications used in North America for end of life care…..medications you won’t be able to get in Cotacachi and Ibarra otherwise. My main piece of advice to everyone…….the need for hospice care does not crop up overnight. You always have advanced warning. Do not wait until your loved one is between a rock and a hard place and needed effective end of life pain medication yesterday. Plan ahead and talk with the people at the hospice center if you anticipate needing their help in any way. They will bend over backwards to help you. And…….did you know Liza Leukhardt is an experienced hospice nurse???? And she’s right here in Cotacachi and can answer any questions about hospice care that you might have! She is an incredible resource for the Expats to have!!!!!!

their website: http://www.fecupal.com/hospiceWp/

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