Galapagos Part 2

this is a three part story Galapagos Part 1 | Galapagos Part 3 | Galapagos on a Budget

Tracy Copemans notes on her recent trip

Make sure you do researche where the cruise will visit. There are many free things today. Way pay for a cruise when you can visit yourself. ( I will send you a list a places they can visit on there own if they choose to do so.)

The ferry is $60 per person. Most day trips are $100 each, with a mediocre lunch.

Food is expensive, there compared to here. Basically American prices. We could have saved money if we ate at cheaper restaurants and bough bread foe breakfast at the supermarket. We didn’t….we at sushi, had breakfast everyday at a fabulous cafe and went out for cocktails before dinner every evening and had ice coffees and another fabulous cafe. It all added up.

The only downside is you never know who your cruise mates will be. We had a great group for the 1st 6 days, then 8 people left and 7 got on. Thankfully we weren’t with that group the whole time!

Free things to do;

Santa Cruz; Puerto Ayora
Playa alemega
Darwin center
There is s small beach at the Darwin center.
tortuga beach.

San cristobal
Interpretation center
Playa Mann and another beach saw beautiful vistas about 5 hour hike

Casa ceibo $2 entrance fee

Las Loberia – hiked and swam

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