Cedula requirements – includes “new” single status requirements

After obtaining our visa, we applied for our cedula in Cuenca in the same office. I received this paper today 12/04/2012 after applying for our family’s cedulas, and just finished typing up the Spanish to English via google translate. They did not look at our birth certificates nor our marriage certificates. The lady said they will do this at the Civil building near Parque Calderon. This paper mentions the new requirements of the single status… and something I have never heard of before: A 6 month window on marriage/divorce/widow/single papers.

Hope this helps, and it should be the most current cedula requirements as of 12/04/2012.

Cedulation First Time

The foreigners cedulation only be done at the head office of the city of Quito basin and in the agencies that are authorized for the purpose.

Mandatory requirements:
– Certificate of registration and identity cards issued by the Directorate General of extrajeria ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration.
– birth certificate, legalized or apostilled with translation if applicable.
– original copy of passport and visa.
– Proof of payment of the service charge.
– the writ was made 48 hours after the process.
To justify Instruction-Academy – A document certifying their level of instruction in original and copy. If document issued in extrajero, submit original or notarized copy in Ecuador, duly authenticated by the Ecuadorian consulate or the seal of apostilization with translation if applicable.
-To justify Profession-Original and certified copy of professional title. If document issued in extrajero, submit an original and notarized copy or print in simple registration of the web view SENESCYT.
-To determine the status of the user
Single: legalized marriage certificate at the embassy or consulate of Ecuador with apostille stamp recorded by the responsible institution, in the country of origin and be legally translated from the case.
Married: marriage certificate.

Widower: death certificate of the spouse
Divorced: document certifying this condition
-If the event or act was committed in the foreign country requested a source document, certifying the user cicil state, legalized or apostilled and translated if applicable.
Where the act or event has taken place in the country, presented the full copy of marriage either death of the spouse or the marriage with divorce sub-enrollment as the case.

For people with disabilities – is present original and copy of license CONADIS.

If the birth certificate, not all the names or the nationality of the parents, it must submit a form to the user to make an affidavit with this information.


1. First time abroad and single, must attach a certified marriage certificate to the embassy or consulate of Ecuador or the apostille stamp recorded by the responsible institution in the country of origin and legally translated, if applicable.
2. In the event that there is no embassy, consulate or diplomatic representative of Ecuador in the country of origin and it is also a member of the Hague, the foreign ministry certify this particular digercic formally communicating the list of countries which Ecuador has no diplomatic representation.
3 Validity of documents:
a) Certificate of singleness – 6 months
b) Marriage Certificate – 6 months
c) Judgment or certificate of divorce – 6 months
d) Birth certificate or death certificate – not due

4. If requesting a notarized affidavit by any case be filling out a form.


Spanish Version:
Cedulation Primera Vez

La cedulation a los extranjeros, se realizara unicamente en la oficina matriz de la ciudad de quito de cuenca y en las agencias que se autoricen para el efecto.

Requisitos obligatorios:
– Certificado de cedulacion y de empadronamiento, expedido por la direccion general de extrajeria del ministerio de relaciones exteriores, comercio e intergracion.
-partida de nacimiento legalizada o apostillada con su traduccion de ser el caso.
-original y copia del passaporte y visa vigentes.
– comprobante de pago de la tarifa del servicio.
-la cedula se entergara 48 horas posterior a realizado el proceso.
-Para justificar Instruccion Academia – Documento que acredite su nivel de instruccion en original y copia. Si es documento emitido en el extrajero, presentara en original o copia notariada en el Ecuador; debidamente autenticado por el consulado ecuatoriano o tener el sello de apostillamiento con su traduccion de ser el caso.
-Para justificar Profesion-Original y copia simple de titulo professional. Si es documento emitido en el extrajero, presentara en original y copia notariada o impresion simple de registro enn de la pagina we de la SENESCYT.
-Para determinar el estado civil del usuario
Soltero: Certificado de solteria legalizada en la embajada consulado de Ecuador o con el sello de la apostilla registrado por la institution encargada; en el pais de origen y legalmente traducida de se el caso.
Casado: Partida de Matrimonio.
Viudo: partida de defuncion del o la conyuge
Divorciado: documento que certifique esta condicion
-Si el hecho o acto se realizo en el extranjero se solicitara un documento de pais de origen, que certifique el estado cicil del usuario, legalizado o apostillado y de ser el caso traducido.
En caso de que el hecho o acto se haya realizado en el pais, presentara la copia integra ya sea la de matrimonio defuncion del conyuge o la partida de matrimonio con la subinscripcion de divorcio segun sea el caso.
Para personas con discapacidad – se presentara original y copia del carnet de CONADIS.

Si en las partidas de nacimiento no constan los nombres o la nacionalidad de los padres, se debera entregar un formulario para que el usuario haga una declaracion juramentada con esta informacion.

Stapled Paper:
1. Primera vez extranjero y soltero, debera adjuntar un certificado de solteria legalizada en la embajada o consulado del ecuador o con el sello de la apostilla registrado por la institucion encargada en el pais de origen y legalmente traducida, de ser el caso.
2. En el caso de que no exista embajada, consulado o representante diplomatico Ecuatoriano en el pais de origen y el mismo tampoco se miembro de la haya, el ministerio de relaciones exteriores certificara sobre este particular, comunicando formalmente a la digercic el listado de los paises en los que el ecuador no tiene representacion diplomatica.
3 Vigencia de documentos:
a) Certificado de solteria – 6 meses
b) Certificado de matrimonio – 6 meses
c) Sentencia o certificado de divorcio – 6 meses
d) Certificado de nacimiento o defuncion – No vencen

4. En caso de solicitar una declaracion juramentada ante notario por cualquier caso se debera llenar un formulario.

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