Finca KURIKINDI (Cotacachi)

Weekly delivery of fresh organic vegetables, send an email to Aya and ask to be put on the list. Their email will arrive on Tuesday – you need to confirm your ‘basket’ on Wednesday. If you don’t want a basket – check out the farm on Thursdays from 2:15-4:00PM Best $5 you can spend (for a basket)! eMail:

Vegetables, Organic $5 delivered (Cotacachi)

The best $5 you will ever spend. Aya distributes the list on Tuesday (ask to be added to the email list). Confirm your basket by noon on Wednesday. Friday – Hector will deliver 🙂 enjoy (fabulous vegetables) HECTOR FLORES / AYA WADA Finca Orgánica y Centro Ecológico KURIKINDI cel: +593-(0)996-040-354 (Aya) / -355 (Hector) website: facebook: blog: (Español&English)… Read More