Finca KURIKINDI (Cotacachi)

Weekly delivery of fresh organic vegetables, send an email to Aya and ask to be put on the list. Their email will arrive on Tuesday – you need to confirm your ‘basket’ on Wednesday. If you don’t want a basket – check out the farm on Thursdays from 2:15-4:00PM Best $5 you can spend (for a basket)! eMail:

PRANA Energía Vital (Cotacachi)

PRANA Energía Vital is a family business that offers, among others: organic products, handcrafts mainly manufactured by small producers, indigenous and women groups, books, personal and home care products aimed at enjoying life. We are open to sharing topics related to a healthy and wholesome life including food and nutrition, lifestyles, individual and environmental harmony, among others. PRANA Energía Vital… Read More

Smoked Meat (Cotacachi)

We found a winner of a resource for smoking meat. You need to bring your turkey/chicken/pork/roast to Victor – frozen so a couple days in advance (he can advise) We had a turkey done just a week or so ago – it was tender, juicy and fabulous!! Only speaks Spanish Los Hornos de Alfonso 0983 541 293 Victor Alfonso Guerrero… Read More

Hielo de Montaña Ice Plant (Cotacachi)

Kate Henry Hielo de Montaña Ice Plant is open for business! Our ice machine has arrived, and we have high-quality, purified ice for sale. Small bags cost $1.00, and large bags are $1.50. We also have reusable stainless steel water bottles available for $10.00 a piece, which we will be refilling for $0.50 each. Additionally, we fill up your used… Read More

Spices – where to find them in Ecuador

“Someone said…”NO tumeric, dill, cream of tartar, mace, coriander seeds, italian seasoning, dried rosemary, tarragon, sage only occassionally, chili powder, and that is just off the top of my head. ” To my knowledge, there is no Mace, but Nutmeg (nuez moscada) is the same…..I have seen Allspice, called Pimienta Dulce…..I have never seen Cream of tartar, but it must… Read More

Mercados (Cuenca)

Feria Libre mercado (the biggest, I estimate 40 acres in land area covered) open and enclosed. Saturday is the huge day. Wednesday there is a huge clothing market that takes over the parking area, inexpensive new clothes).,-79.026121&ll=-2.898188,-79.025817&spn=0.012322,0.01929&num=1&t=h&z=16 Diez de Agosto mercado, mostly enclosed, but small vendors are on the sidewalks and close by areas.,-79.007624&num=1&t=h&z=16 9 De Octubre mercado,… Read More

Organic Market (Cuenca)

Here is the location of the organic market in Cuenca,-79.03067&hl=en&num=1&t=h&z=16 Just tell a taxi driver to take you to “el mercado atras de El Tiempo” El Tiempo is a newspaper. The building is on Av. Loja. Any taxi driver can get you there. It is open on Sat and Wed from 6AM-noon. Saturday is best. Mostly everything is sold… Read More

Vegetables, Organic $5 delivered (Cotacachi)

The best $5 you will ever spend. Aya distributes the list on Tuesday (ask to be added to the email list). Confirm your basket by noon on Wednesday. Friday – Hector will deliver 🙂 enjoy (fabulous vegetables) HECTOR FLORES / AYA WADA Finca Orgánica y Centro Ecológico KURIKINDI cel: +593-(0)996-040-354 (Aya) / -355 (Hector) website: facebook: blog: (Español&English)… Read More

Cheeses in Ecuador

Contrary to popular belief, there are good cheeses in Ecuador. Here are some of them: Salinerito – Comes from the small town of Salinas de Guaranda in Bolívar Province. The cheeses can be found in many Supermaxi’s. Floralp – Swiss company with a cheese-making operation in Ibarra. Very reasonably priced cheeses that taste good. Hacienda Zuleta – Artisan… Read More

Goat products

Selling the following: Goat’s Milk, Goat Milk yoghurt, and Goat’s milk cheese. Contact: Julie de Pozo 098 538 4399 Caroline If you think you might be interested in this in the future, please ask to be added to her mailing list. She also have fresh vegetables, etc.