Spices – where to find them in Ecuador

“Someone said…”NO tumeric, dill, cream of tartar, mace, coriander seeds, italian seasoning, dried rosemary, tarragon, sage only occassionally, chili powder, and that is just off the top of my head. ” To my knowledge, there is no Mace, but Nutmeg (nuez moscada) is the same…..I have seen Allspice, called Pimienta Dulce…..I have never seen Cream of tartar, but it must… Read More

Mercados (Cuenca)

Feria Libre mercado (the biggest, I estimate 40 acres in land area covered) open and enclosed. Saturday is the huge day. Wednesday there is a huge clothing market that takes over the parking area, inexpensive new clothes). https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-2.89776,-79.026121&ll=-2.898188,-79.025817&spn=0.012322,0.01929&num=1&t=h&z=16 Diez de Agosto mercado, mostly enclosed, but small vendors are on the sidewalks and close by areas. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=-2.899217,-79.007624&num=1&t=h&z=16 9 De Octubre mercado,… Read More